About Me

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North Carolina, United States
(Allie & Harris) Wife, teacher, patient, thinker, friend, worrier, planner, seeker. These are the hats I wear on a daily basis for the roles in my life. Harris and I've been married since 1999 and we have two fur babies of the feline sort. We have a pretty good life, all things considered. But, it's not complete. Seven years ago I received a diagnosis of PCOS, a condition which has taken a toll on both my body and soul. It will not beat me though and we will be parents.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Carry On, Carry On...

Remember a few posts back when I said that my next ringtone would be that song, "Carry On," by the group FUN?  Well, it's time.  I'm officially switching over from the devastatingly sad song about loss to my new hang-in-there-and-carry-on song! 

"Though I've never been through Hell like that, 
I've closed enough windows to know you can never look back."

"May your past be the sound of your feet on the ground.  Carry on, Carry on."

My feet are most definitely on the ground...and they're heading to the bank tomorrow to send our 1st payment for a FET cycle with 2 of our 4 embryos.  Fingers crossed!


  1. Hoping and praying for you guys. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way!

  2. Wow how fantastic. Wishing you both the very best luck.
    I&D xoxox

  3. Positive thoughts being sent your way.

  4. Great news! So happy to hear you're dusting yourself off and trying again. Hope and pray with all my might that this is your turn. X

  5. Hey Allie. Someone put resilience in our DNA and it seems you got an extra dose. Best of luck!

  6. Best of luck to you...fingers crossed!

  7. Keeping everything crossed for you Aliie x

  8. Praying for you guys!!

  9. Congrats on moving forward! We will be thinking of you guys and wishing you much luck!

  10. Just think good thoughts, and good thoughts will come were all ulling for you :) smile its your ray of sunshine

  11. Sending loads of baby dust your way and crossing everything for you!! This is your time I can feel it. xxx

  12. Hope is good. Sending positive vibes to India!

  13. Here is to New beginnings and positive results. Take care and we are wishing you every success with your FET xx

  14. Hang in there Allie! Fingers and toes crossed!

  15. We send our love to you and Harris on your FET.
