About Me

My photo
North Carolina, United States
(Allie & Harris) Wife, teacher, patient, thinker, friend, worrier, planner, seeker. These are the hats I wear on a daily basis for the roles in my life. Harris and I've been married since 1999 and we have two fur babies of the feline sort. We have a pretty good life, all things considered. But, it's not complete. Seven years ago I received a diagnosis of PCOS, a condition which has taken a toll on both my body and soul. It will not beat me though and we will be parents.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving!!!

This year, I will count amongst my blessings...
  • Good friends who support us
  • Good jobs that we are secure in
  • Having money sufficient to pay our bills and have a life
  • Time spent with people we love
  • A new adventure on the horizon (6 days and counting!)
  • Living in a place where I can be educated and have a career when so many other women in the world are persecuted for having dreams at all
  • Having good health and access to wonderful medical care
  • New friends from all over the globe
  • The possibility that this time next year I will be dressing someone in a little outfit that says, "1st Thanksgiving"


  1. hey Allie, i pray that all your dreams and aspirations come true. stay positive.thots

  2. Allie

    Indeed well said. Happy Thanksgiving.


  3. It can't be long for you guys now!! so excited for you. Did you ever get my email by the way??
