About Me

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North Carolina, United States
(Allie & Harris) Wife, teacher, patient, thinker, friend, worrier, planner, seeker. These are the hats I wear on a daily basis for the roles in my life. Harris and I've been married since 1999 and we have two fur babies of the feline sort. We have a pretty good life, all things considered. But, it's not complete. Seven years ago I received a diagnosis of PCOS, a condition which has taken a toll on both my body and soul. It will not beat me though and we will be parents.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Snail's Pace...

Progress is being made on all fronts at this point including the roof!  Materials arrived on Tuesday and we are set to begin work the first of the week!  Harris had his interview in MD and (yay for Bernadette!) it went really well.  We're waiting to see if they can afford him before we make any further investigations into housing, etc. 

I am also thrilled to say that I purchased my ticket back to India earlier this week.  My arrival date is very early on the morning of June 13th (like just after midnight) and I am scheduled to depart on the 27th.  If anyone else is going to be there, let me know! I have started looking for accomodations and am considering staying at the Hilton Garden Inn that's over by Select CityWalk.  As it stands now, I am going alone (Yikes!) so I want to be somewhere safe and have access to whatever I may need while I'm there.  I'm thinking that I would only try and use Rahul's services on the days that I have appts. with Dr. Shivani in order to keep costs down.  The Hilton is cheaper than Svelte, but still pricey by my standards.  On the other hand, it has everything I want (including laundry facilities and a fridge in the room).  Still though, I'm going to have to find a way to wrap my mind around paying $115 per night IF I decide to stay there.  We'll see!

In thinking about returning, I am glad that Harris and I did the tourist thing the first time we went because I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable doing tons on my own.  I do want to go back to Central Market one day during the week (the crowds on the weekend were terrible!) and also to Dilhi Haut (not sure that's spelled correctly).  Those two places were fantastic for finding bargains and I want to do some shopping while Harris isn't there to hold the wallet!  LOL! 

I am excited about the trip, the travel, the possibility of success.  Those are the things I'm trying to keep in mind at this point...I'm trying to not think about being lonely, the heat, more needles, and going thru this process without Harris at my side.  


  1. So excited for you! And me (I'll keep fingers crossed for the job.) I am sure that there will be many others over there in June at all stages of the journey- maybe start a post on the message forum? Thinking of you and inspired by your amazing attitude!

  2. I'm so happy to hear you're on the first step of trying again. We'll all be out here watching and sending you good thoughts.

  3. Things are really working out for you guys!that is great news. If you do decide to stay @ the Hilton Garden Inn you'll love it!. I found it to be really safe, the staff are FANTASTIC and best of all it's joined to the Select Mall where you can spend hours at the shops.

  4. Glad to hear all your plans are falling into place. We stayed at Hilton last time we were in Delhi and as Saskia said very safe environment and staff are wonderful and of course SHOPS!!!!! Best wishes!!! K

  5. So excited you've scheduled your trip!!! I am planning on going back myself and considering the hilton instead of svelte. let me know what you think. i traveled alone initially last time but my husband met me the day before egg retrieval. it was a wonderful trip and i am so proud of myself for becoming an international traveler ALONE! That was a big step for me. You will do fine...keep your eye on the prize..maybe our paths will meet some day..take care and good luck!!

  6. Very excited for you have a good trip and keep us posted!!
    good luck !!

  7. Thats awesome news, it always makes you feel so much better when you have a plan! I nearly stayed at hilton gardens as internet was free and a touch cheaper than svelte but ended up at Svelte again as they do great deals. I was by myself for about four days until I met Rene and I too was so proud of myself for going alone!
    Best wishes and I hope this time is THE time!!!!

  8. So pleased to hear of your plans - we shall meet again. I will most likely still be in Delhi then as will many others. You will be fine. Hope all goes well with the roof and HArris gets the new job with loads of money!!. Will call you in a couple of weeks.

  9. Wonderful! Best of luck on your trip!

  10. How exciting! You'll do fine by yourself. Plus, I'm sure there will be other couples there once you arrive. Think of all you have been through and you will find your strength. I suspect you will have so much, that it will spread to others - (just you wait an see.)

    We will be in India the same time as you 12-28, but alas not in Delhi. A few days in Mumbai to see family and then off to Anand. I've never been to either city (been to others), so it should be interesting (as India always is.)

    You'll be a rock star with the locals and bargain hard. If you can't bargin, go to the department stores. :-)
