About Me

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North Carolina, United States
(Allie & Harris) Wife, teacher, patient, thinker, friend, worrier, planner, seeker. These are the hats I wear on a daily basis for the roles in my life. Harris and I've been married since 1999 and we have two fur babies of the feline sort. We have a pretty good life, all things considered. But, it's not complete. Seven years ago I received a diagnosis of PCOS, a condition which has taken a toll on both my body and soul. It will not beat me though and we will be parents.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Days 5-9

Over the last 4 days, we have not done too much.  Dr. Shivani did another scan on Wednesday (?) and found that my follicles weren't growing quickly enough, and I only had about 4 of them doing anything notable - prediction was that I would still be at least a week out from retrieval at that point.  She switched my meds and upped the dosage to 600 iu to try and help move things along.  The new meds will help support FSH and LH levels to, hopefully, really get the follicles growing.  I am still able to take the new meds subcutaneously and that makes me happy!  I have had a slight allergic reaction to the shots, but nothing too bad - hopefully not enough of a problem to have to switch over to intramuscular. 
Yesterday, Harris and I went to the Promenade Mall with Aleksandra, Rich, Helena, and the babies!  It was fun watching people get that "aww, see at the tiny babies" look on their faces as Aleksandra & Helena walked by them.  We ate at Chili's - and, yes, the food tasted just like the Chili's back in the US and I ate.  Three of us even had real hamburgers!  Good to know that some places serve beef here.  We've also found a place down the road from us that serves steak called the Smokehouse Grille.  It's high end and expensive, but might be a nice  place to go one time during a visit. 

Tonight, we're looking forward to heading over to Douglas & Chad's place to have dinner.  Avey flies in tonight also and we're planning to get together with her & Mia, Aleksandra & Rich on Monday night for dinner.  I LOVE that we're able to meet so many other IPs here during this trip.  The timing has worked out so well!

Time now to go and take a nice hot shower!  


  1. Sounds like things are looking better and so glad you've got to meet some other blog buddies and IPs.

  2. So glad you are enjoying your time now. Tell all of our blogging buddies hello! Now grow follicles grow! Thinking of you guys!

  3. I had a huge reaction to my meds, and it worried the doctors greatly however after about the fourth dose the reaction became very slight, so I did not need to switch over. Hope all works out well. All my best.

  4. So glad you found beef, lol!! You know they recommend alot of protein during stimulation!!! We went to hard rock cafe several times when we were in Dehli..it reminded us of home and the food was good (and the drinks even better!!!) Take care, Rene'

  5. I love that you are meeting up with other people, love it!! We found that was such a fun part of our journey! Hopefully like Sandra the meds will not be an issue over the next few days. Best of luck!!
